Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Vote for WHO?

A journalist’s job or media institution is to help analyze, critique and report objectively on the happenings of their country in the hands of Politicians. The masses too have their own perspective in giving an analysis on the analysis (excuse my repetition) given even by the most respected media analyst or reporters.
I know the temptation of siding with one candidate lingers on journalists (some), but the Common Good Theory here should prevail and the Common Good is to let people cast that precious vote in a weeks time regardless of the consequences of their choice. Am sure all the media houses have done their best to educate and inform people through interviews with candidates as well as rally reporting. Who ever the people feel has a good agenda, will carry the day next week, whether the voting will be emotive or based on analytical and issue based campaign.. they would have cast the vote.
Its times like these that the Media, the Church, Government and NGOs need to realize that it is the common man, woman and youth who owe it to themselves to cast a vote based on their informed conscious through voter education.
And anyone of us may fall in any of the above categories (Man, Woman, Youth, Media, Church, Government or NGO). Cast your votes too on your best ‘practical judgment’ (Prudence).
Good luck to mother Zambia as those votes drop in the transparent boxes next week. My prayer of good wishes as you take on this challenging and daunting task of decision making for the glory of mother Zambia !
Fr. Freeborn.K - writing from TEXAS USA
 NB - Taken from a discussion on the Zacomef community media chat.

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